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What is "Paleo"?

This Paleo stuff refers to, in my opinion and in my experience, the healthiest diet/lifestyle choice that is both sustainable and enjoyable.  The premise is simple: you eat as if you were a caveperson (a caveperson with access to Whole Foods and nice farmer's markets, of course).  

We eat: plenty of meats (grass-fed or pastured whenever possible), tons of vegetables, a lot of good healthy fats, some fruit, and some nuts.  

We stay away from anything processed, all grains including corn and rice, legumes like beans, white potatoes, and any and all forms of sweetener (sorry Splenda, sorry Diet Coke).  If we eat dairy, it's the full-fat stuff and it's organic. 
 That's it!  Making those changes in what we eat has made us into much happier, healthier, sexier people :)